Born on 3 October 1959 in Sofia.
Graduates French philology in Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” with minor subject English.
From 1985 for 10 years is a curator and language editor of „Bulgarian Historical Review” journal of the Institute of History, BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Science).
From 1995 till 2001 is a head of direction „International exchange and contacts” in Association of Commercial Banks.
From 2001 till 2005 is a chief expert assistant in the Office of the Vice-President of the National Assembly Kamelia Kassabova. She has worked as an expert in the Interim Committee on Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.
As a Vice-minister of Culture Mrs. Kileva works actively for copyright protection, for the harmonization of the Bulgarian legislation with European standards and for raising the international prestige of Republic of Bulgaria as a country respecting and protecting intellectual work.
Mrs. Ina Kileva was proposed by Arsis Consulting. We hereby enclose the reasons for nomination:
Last year Mrs. Kileva ran directly the affairs of Council for Protection of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Culture, which successfully achieved its objects for improving the legislation in the field of intellectual property, implementation of coherent measures to combat product piracy and counterfeiting, overcoming the problem with Internet piracy, as well as mediation in th solving of some emblematic disputes between rightholders and users. It should be noted, that the Council is the first really working inter-ministerial authority, which reinstated and systematically maintained intensive dialogue with the private sector.
Due to the personal participation of Mrs. Kileva, the Council for Protection of Intellectual Property initiated and made several changes in the legislation, but namely in Law on Copyright and Related Rights, Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications, Law on Industrial Design, as well as in art. 172а and 172b of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Bulgaria, thus our country fully harmonized its legislation with European standards in the field.
The structure and functions of the Council as an inter-ministerial coordinating authority influenced positively the work of the judiciary system. The participation of prosecutor’s office representatives in the Council, the discussions held during its sessions and the subsequent meetings subsequent meetings served as a catalyst for the formation of policy in the judiciary power, aimed at overcoming the problem of intellectual piracy.
The structure changes in Directorate General „Combating Organized Crime” and the new sector „Computer crimes”, whose representative is a member of the Council, resulted in conducting methodical and coherent measures against criminal attacks on the Internet, including Internet piracy, in implementation of the priorities outlined by the Council for Protection of Intellectual Property.
The Council has a decisive role in increasing awareness and culture of consumption of products of intellectual property. A clear evidence for that is the campaign “Piracy robs”, which started last year and got wide public response.
In conclusion, in view of the above achievements, neither of which wouldn’t be possible nor wouldn’t have a successful realization without the personal efforts of Mrs. Ina Kileva, the Monitoring report of the European Commission reported high results in the field of intellectual property protection in our country, which weighed for Bulgaria's accession to the EU without precautional provisions. In connection with the international image of our country and the economic partnership with countries from North America, Mrs. Kileva made invaluable efforts to remove Bulgaria from the Watchlist of the U.S. Trade Representative.