Attorney, industrial property representative, mediator, lecturer of German law in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” , former Vice-Minister of Justice, Chairman of the Association of “European Integration”.
We received the nomination for Mrs. Maria Serkedzhieva from Mr. Hristo Lavchiev, a vice-president of the Russe club for European Integration: “I am pleased to present you the nomination of Mrs. Maria Serkedzhieva – a person who had done a lot for the protection and development of intellectual property in Bulgaria as a chairman of “European Integration” Association, as a lecturer in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, as a financial consultant in Eurolife and as a jurist. Hopefully the merits of Maria Serkedzhieva will be properly evaluated and she will receive the recognition of the Committee“. Here you can find further reasons for the nomination of Mrs. Serkedzhieva.